Monday, 5 October 2009

'Surreal Things' @ The AGO

This entry is pretty delayed considering I went to this exhibition in August, it is now.

So where do I start? 

key words:


Probably the best $36 I have spent in a loooong time...

The exhibition 'Surreal Things' was on at The Art Gallery of Onatrio, but was currated by Ghislaine.... from the Victoria & Albert Museum in London. 

I have always been inspired by the Surrealist art movement, so it was only natural that I would be drawn to this exhibition. Although a long time follower of this movement, I discovered a completely different side to it; a side where Surrealism crosses over into the world of fashion, design, film and advertising. Some of the most renowned Surrealist artists ideas and imagery took on a new form within commercial commodities. This opened up another realm of possibilities for artists, such as Salvador Dali & Renee Magritte. 

Key Inspirations:

1) Dali's Jewellery collaborations ex. 'Ruby Lips' 1949 (As seen in above sketch...pardon the really rough sketch)

2) Dali's Fashion Illustrations that were published in Vogue

3) Elisa Schiaparelli's 'Skeleton' Evening dress 1938 



I truly loved Dali's jewelry collaborations. Even though I have studied and been a follower of Dali's work for years I never knew that he dabbled in jewelry design.

- he designed his first jewels w/ Italian aristocrat & jeweler FULCO di VEDURA 

- They predominantly explored classical & religious themes - many of which held personal significance for Dali

- 1949 Dali signed a contract w/ Argentinean Jeweler, CARLOS B. ALEMANY & the Finnish shipping magnate ERIC ERTMAN --> this collaboration resulted in some of Dali's most famous jewels

- The designs often adapted motifs derived from his paintings ex. 'Ruby Lips', this explored the imagery of the body

Other Dali Jewels to keep in mind:

'Honeycomb Heart' Brooch (1953-54)

'Starfish' Brooch (1950)

'Telephone' Ear clips (1949)

Other Designs to keep in mind:

Charles James' Evening Dress w/ print by Jean Cocteau, printed silk (1938-1939)

**I think this exhibition would be a great starting point for a possible Live Brief for my first project...**

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